
I haven't, but I will. Many thanks for the suggestion.

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Have you ever read an early novel (2007) by Welsh poet and playwright Owen Sheers (who also wrote Mametz Wood), called Resistance? About a German occupation of Wales. I know you don't rate historical fiction, but you might enjoy this: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/945882.Resistance

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Much of what the booksellers offer us as “alternate history” is more accurately called historical fantasy. Its most successful purveyor today, Harry Turtledove, did however give us one book that I think qualifies and that is “Rue, Britannia” in which the Armada landed, Elizabeth is in the Tower, and William Shakespeare is beset on the one hand by the new Spanish overlords and on the other by the English “resistance” each of whom thinks that a new play from William exposing their respective cause will turn popular attitudes towards them and their cause. William’s cause is to try and survive! Niall Ferguson presents an excellent essay on the “counterfactual” in his book on alternative history in arguing that they need to be based upon the smallest possible change from history that produces the greatest change in outcome. All wargaming is essentially counterfactual and the best such work on “Sea Lion” in my view remains Paddy Griffin’s effort from some 40 years ago. I have myself commanded the Canadians on the line south of London against a not very aggressive German effort. My biggest problem was a subordinate brigade commander who was much more impressed by the Fallschirmjagger than I was and opened a huge hole in our line to go harrying after a company of them in our rear. I had been content to put the Home Guard on overwatch figuring that we would just roll over them if we needed to fall back.

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